Dedicated support at the service of all foreigners


The law firm HEAUME AVOCAT assists all foreigners, regardless of their nationality and place of residence, to help them realize their project of settling and staying in French territory.

Thus, a remote consultation service is set up to assist foreigners wishing to prepare their visa application, whether it be for studying, working, or simply residing in French territory.

For foreigners already present on French territory, Maître Fatou TALL receives them at her office located at 24, rue du Boccador in Paris 75 008.

The guidance provided by a consultant exclusively involved in the field of immigration law allows obtaining reliable and practical advice to anticipate and resolve complex situations.

Assistance at the prefecture and in court


The law firm HEAUME AVOCAT assists its clients, both in the preliminary steps to be taken at the prefecture and in court, in case of an unfavorable decision by administrative services.

Thus, HEAUME AVOCAT advises its clients at every stage of their case, whether it be during its preparation, submission, processing, or after the decision rendered by the administration.

Maître Fatou TALL accompanies her clients to the prefecture, especially during the submission of their files, and prepares them for these appointments.

Similarly, the law firm HEAUME AVOCAT also has significant expertise in managing administrative disputes arising from a refusal to issue a visa or a residence permit by the administration.

In this context, the firm assists its clients in preparing their appeals, which are intended to be submitted to the Administrative Court.

Rigorous and Caring Support


Aware of the particularly strong and sensitive issues related to the right to stay in France, HEAUME AVOCAT supports its clients with a focus on responsiveness and efficiency at every step of their processes and procedures.

HEAUME AVOCAT offers numerous “emergency” appointments every week to ensure the best possible assistance for its clients.

In this context, the firm also ensures meticulous follow-up of cases and takes care to respond promptly to all client inquiries.



 How does immigration law work?


HEAUME AVOCAT assists you in all your immigration, regularization, and naturalization procedures.
The firm supports both foreigners in regular situations and those wishing to request regularization from the administration, covering all types of procedures related to obtaining visas and residency permits, appeals against refusal decisions and status changes, as well as all procedures to obtain French nationality.
We offer a service tailored to your situation, supporting you in your projects whether to settle or join your family, to carry out professional activities, or to pursue studies in France.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to learn more about your specific situation.

Who can immigrate to France?

Any foreigner has the right to immigrate and reside in France. However, the conditions and procedures vary depending on the foreigner’s nationality. Citizens of European Union member states have the right to enter and move freely in France, without a visa or
residency permit.
Following Brexit, a specific regime applies to Britons in France. Britons already residing in France must apply for a “Withdrawal Agreement” residency permit before July 1, 2021.
Britons wishing to settle in France must follow the conditions and procedures applicable to non-European foreigners (see our study on Brexit and immigration for more details).
Non-European foreigners must hold a residency permit to enter and stay in France.
There are several types of visas and residency permits that allow entry into France.
Some authorize work and studies, and some allow the foreigner to live in France using their own resources (see our study on visas and residency permits for more details).
Procedures vary depending on the type of permit sought, the personal projects of the foreigner, and their country of origin.
To know the rules and procedures applicable to your situation and to establish the most suitable immigration project for your needs, contact us.

What are the different types of visas ?

If you are a non-European foreigner, you must hold a visa to enter France.

Short-stay visas

Short-stay visas allow their holders to reside in French territory for a maximum duration of 3 months.
The two types of short-stay visas are:
• The Schengen Type C visa
• This visa allows its holder to enter and travel in France and in any other Schengen area country. Generally, this visa is issued for reasons related to tourism, family visits, and certain limited professional activities.
• The circulation visa
• This visa allows its holder to make multiple stays in France. Generally, this visa is issued for reasons related to professional activity.
Long-stay visas
Long-stay visas allow their holders to reside in French territory for a duration of 3 to 12 months.
In some cases, the long-stay visa must be accompanied by a residency permit, but certain long-stay visas acting as residency permits exempt their holders from this requirement.
To determine the visa most suited to your situation and the procedure to follow, contact us.

What are the different types of residency permits ?

If you are a non-European foreigner, you must have a residency permit (a VLS-TS or a “carte de séjour”) to stay in France.
Residency permits vary based on their duration, nature, and the rights attached to them.
A foreigner wishing to stay in France should apply for a residency permit based on their plans, notably studies, work, or reasons related to private and family life.
The procedure to follow, the means of appeal, and renewal conditions vary depending on the type of card sought.
To determine the most suitable residency permit for your situation and the procedure to follow, contact us.

Residency Permits for Work

The residency permits that authorize the exercise of a professional activity are:
• The “salariée” (employee) residency permit;
• The “entrepreneur/profession libérale” (entrepreneur/freelance professional) residency permit;
• The “passeport talent” (talent passport) residency permit;
• The “travailleur temporaire” (temporary worker) residency permit;
• The “travailleur saisonnier” (seasonal worker) residency permit;
• The “salarié détaché ICT” (ICT seconded employee) residency permit;
• The “stagiaire” (intern) residency permit;
• The “carte bleue européenne” (European blue card);
• The “vie privée et familiale” (private and family life) residency permit.
• See our study on professional immigration for more details.

Residency Permits for Studies

The residency permits that authorize pursuing studies are:
• The “étudiant” (student) residency permit;
• The “vie privée et familiale” (private and family life) residency permit.
• See our study on student immigration for more details.

Residency Permits for Private and Family Life Reasons

The residency permits issued for reasons related to private and family life are:
• The “vie privée et familiale” (private and family life) residency permit;
• The “visiteur” (visitor) residency permit.
• This card also allows ill foreigners, as well as certain members of their family, to stay in the territory and benefit from medical care.
• See our study on family immigration for more details.

What to do in case of a residency permit refusal ?

If your residency permit application has been refused, you can challenge this refusal through administrative or legal appeal. For a more detailed and in-depth study on residency permit refusals (see our study on the refusal of residency permits and the obligation to leave French territory).
To determine the most appropriate appeal method for your situation and to pursue your appeal in a timely manner, contact us.

How to regularize an undocumented foreigner ?

For a more detailed and in-depth study on the regularization of undocumented foreigners in France, see our study on regularization.
The commonly used term “sans-papiers” (undocumented) refers to a foreigner residing in France without the proper authorization.
Foreigners without a residency permit are not allowed to work, and their access to social rights, especially related to medical care, housing, and social benefits, is extremely limited.
However, there are ways to regularize “undocumented” foreigners, notably through regularization by work or for private and family life reasons.
The exceptional stay admission is the most commonly used procedure for the regularization of foreigners.
Through this procedure, an irregularly staying foreigner who carries out professional activity as an employee or temporary worker can be regularized by work. They will be issued a “salarié” (employee) or “travailleur temporaire” (temporary worker) residency
The regularization request by work is subject to strict conditions concerning the nature of their employment and their integration into French society. Moreover, an irregularly staying foreigner can be regularized for private and family life reasons. They will be issued a “vie privée et familiale” (private and family life) residency permit, allowing them to pursue studies or to work.
The regularization request for private and family life reasons is subject to an assessment of the foreigner’s personal situation, the nature of their personal ties in France, as well as their remaining ties in their country of origin.
To understand the access conditions and the procedure to follow for regularization, contact us.

How can one obtain French nationality ?

For a more detailed and in-depth view on obtaining French nationality, see our study on French nationality.
The various means of obtaining French nationality can be grouped into two categories: either one is considered to be French, or one is considered to become French. It is assumed that someone who is deemed French would have been so from birth, whereas someone who becomes French acquires nationality from a specific point in time. The person considered French from birth obtains nationality by attribution.
The person who becomes French obtains nationality by acquisition.
To understand the access conditions and the procedure to follow to obtain French nationality or naturalization, contact us